Listify v1.2.0 WordPress Directory Theme Free Download


Nulled Theme Listify v1.2.0 WordPress Directory Theme Free Download

This won’t be the first time you look for a directory theme, but it will be the last time. Because with Listify you have more than you could ever want or need.
Whether you know it or not, many of the websites you visit are powered by directories.
When you buy a house – real estate sites show listings.
When you buy a car – car sites show listings.
When you pick a restaurant – ratings sites show listings.
When you book a vacation – travel sites show listings.
1.2.0 - November 27, 2015
New: “Image Grid” widget can now use square boxes instead of random tiles.
New: Support for tag archives.
New: Full support for Chosen RTL.
Fix: WooCommerce Terms of Service checkbox position.
Fix: More checks for plotting on the map with FacetWP.
Fix: FacetWP address formatting.
Fix: Claim Listing plugin compatibility.
Fix: Make sure the WordPress Image API files are loaded before uploading images.

Images :

Free download here:  Images 1, Images 2, Images 3

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