Explainer Video Toolkit v4 ( Update 7 April 20 ) 22594089 Videohive – Premium After Effects Templates

After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | No Plugin | Resizable | 1.3 Gb

Explainer Video Toolkit 4 is result of months of research on rigging characters and 5 years of experience with making explainer videos. I’ve created this toolkit as a tool I would like to use personally while working on freelance projects. Now it is available for everyone to use.

Top priority of the template were simplicity, low system requirements and flexibility and I’m proud to say these obejctives were acomplished. Explainer video toolkit 4 is the only template on videohive which will work really well even on low end computers.
